
       I receive a lot of inquiries for advice on what cameras to buy. I never understood why so many people needed help with the decision and I'm sure it wasn't the case before digital cameras. I use to read camera blogs, forums and watch people agonize over making a decision, but the funny thing is watching them do this a couple of times a year. Yes, they would change or "upgrade" to whatever the latest model was that had the largest megapixel sensor, ridiculously high ISO  or touch screen. The belief amongst these people with G.A.S. which stands for Gear Acquisition Syndrome is that the latest tech will make them better photographers. To make matters worse the vast majority never print their photos so they buy these cameras to post on social media, something that they could do with just about any digital camera made in the last 15 years. In the end all this upgrading tends to lead them down a path of being a worse photographer because they never learn to fully understand the current camera in their hands.


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