One Photo At a Time
I've reached a point in my portfolio photography where I would be very happy going back to the dark room. With myself finding modern day life so very uninteresting I found myself not needing to take large sums of photographs. I realized this last Summer when I was using a medium format Yashica Mat 124 TLR camera where you're limited to 12 exposures per roll. Searching for subjects worthy of one of those 12 exposures was a form of meditation. I felt relaxed and in absolutely no hurry with some days taking only two or three photos. I would then send the film to a local lab that just closed for developing and scanning. While at the time I was living in a large open loft I didn't have the closed room or money to put together a darkroom. Since then I've moved into a much small condo with no space and again no money to assemble one. While at one time I would have spoken against the hybrid practice of analog capture and digital output I've grown to accept it. While you would no longer need a darkroom you would need an expensive scanner and some basic supplies. Maybe one day.
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