Bits & Pieces

  I'm always thinking of ways of getting my work seen and published. Currently I could easily publish 6 or 7 books if only a publisher would take a chance and publish a serious photography book where New York City wasn't the subject matter. Some think that I'm kidding but I've had several conversations where the publisher actually said to me that "books on Philadelphia don't sell". Some of those responses came from Philly based publishers !!! Self publishing is out of the question because of the cost and competing with publishing houses that can produce a good sized book on photography and sell it for under $25 due to getting it printed in China with questionable quality. But back to my ideas. I keep thinking about publishing a massive publication the size of an old telephone book full of snapshots - a couple thousand of them. I already have a title for it..."Bits & Pieces". I've spoken to a couple of people about it and a few liked it but a couple of people said that people would lose interest after about 10 minutes of looking through it. Apparently peoples attention spans have shrunk even more over the last 3 years and if they can't look through a book in a few minutes they get bored with it. That's why art and photography books are now published with fewer pages. Seriously? Who cares if you can't finish a photo book in one sitting? Wouldn't spreading it out over several sittings make it more enjoyable?

Snapshots taken over the weekend


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