Manic Sunday - The Art Life
Devil's Pool
Extreme hot and humid weather, gray overcast skies, and the blazing sun isn't enough to keep people from fighting for parking spots and hiking to the pool. For myself the challenge is in jockeying for a good position in which to take photos and dealing with the strong light coming thru the trees creating blinding contrast.
The regulars have grown accustomed to me getting close to take photos.
Watercolor Portraits
I'm already halfway thru my third watercolor pad and i don't think I'm stopping anytime soon. The experimentation still excites me with varying brush strokes, water usage, and unexpected colors. When I find myself getting to realistic I quickly respond with something more loose. I could easily end up with hundreds of these and I'm not sure what I'll be doing with them. Do I stockpile them? Put them up for sale?
Using Instax has proven to be a little difficult right now because of a few other things I'm working on. I'm sure it will pick up steam once I'm finished with documenting Devil's Pool for the season. Right now I'm preferring the monochrome film over the color but that could change once I begin using it more and getting a color specific camera.
Diner SnapshotsI haven't posted diner snapshots in a couple of weeks.
Photos are from Bob's Diner, Double D Diner and Penn Restaurant
Photos are from Bob's Diner, Double D Diner and Penn Restaurant
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