(Not So) Manic Sunday - The Art Life
Devil's Pool
My progress has slowed down at Devil's Pool partly because of the health issues, weather and the lack of parking which is keeping people from coming. By 9am on the weekends the lots are full and people begin double and triple parking resulting in parking tickets. I'm hoping to get in another dozen good days before the weather becomes to cold to swim there.
I'm working on a title for this series of watercolor portraits of fictitious people. So far I'm liking the title "Nobody You Know". As of today I've painted 130 portraits. I'm still excited by experimenting with color and brushes but I'm wondering how I would apply this to other subject matter.
Not So ManicThe last week in a half my time has been taken up with hospital, doctor and lab visits so I haven't really ventured out to take photos. While I've had time to paint in the little corner of my shared home studio space with Natasha, it didn't take away the anxiety of not making any progress with my photography projects. We're coming to the end of the season for Devil's Pool, I haven't found my footing with the Fuji Instax Wide camera yet, and pretty soon I'll be going back to working on "Sleepwalking". My "Suburbs in the City" portfolio has slowed down but that's normal for this time of year and I'm almost positive that I won't be heading back into center city this Fall. I have a lot to think about and I'm happy that I still get excited over taking photos.
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