Course Correction
Feeling frustrated with photography as of late I was told I needed a course correction. By the way that doesn’t include Bob’s Diner but on a good week that only occupies 4 hours of my time. As for a correction or change I’m not sure what was meant by that since my focus over the last year has been anywhere but the city, the city I photographed for the prior 15 years. I now sparingly take photos in my suburbanish neighborhood (Chestnut Hill) over the last 4 years. I’ve put together a good body of work but there hasn’t been a whole lot grabbing my attention lately.
Chestnut Hill
I’m very interested in exploring nearby suburbs and rural areas but so far I’ve been disappointed in what I’m finding partly due to what my memories of a suburb was. You no longer see kids playing outside. Houses have become more sterile in a uniform manner. Frankly you hardly see anyone cutting their lawn which makes me wonder how is it getting done. The large colorful Allied and Roadway moving trucks seemed to have disappeared and they’ve taken the ice cream trucks with them. I’m sure…we’ll almost sure that what I’m looking for still exists to some extent but it’s going to be much much harder to find.
Wyndmoor, PA.
Over the last few years was able to travel around the Eastern parts of Pennsylvania with a friend who liked to visit diners but that is no longer the case. I was able to take a few good photos during that time but much more is needed as is the resources to travel.
Ronks, PA
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not only after old things but I am looking photos that define what a suburb is or was to me. I want to take photos where the viewer isn't aware of the year, if that's even possible today.

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