Fall and Winter

    This photograph is either the beginning of something, or it’s the end of everything.

     Fall and Winter are still my two favorite seasons even though as I age the cold weather pays havoc on my joints and I seem to get cold when the temperature dips below 65. The colder weather also reinvigorates me as an artist. It’s the time of year where I paint the most and my head runs amuck with ideas for photography. For the last decade I’ve wanted a photography project of a more personal nature, one that was closer to me, closer to home, but I didn’t think that would be possible since I’ve moved from my big chaotic loft to a much smaller “normal” living environment. Maybe this is the time I finally do it.

    With this I need to throw out any rules that I still abide too, especially of my own. Cropping and aspect ration is a biggest one because sometimes life doesn’t fit within the frame of the 35mm aspect ratio. With this I’m going to crop these photos to any ratio I see fit. I will experiment and even re-crop where I see fit.

As the seasons go on I will see where this takes me.


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