Tree Love Notes - Untitled Life #18
After living with graffiti for most of my life it was a strange transition moving to a suburban neighborhood on Philadelphia's most North Western border. Sure graffiti still pops up every once in a while but it resembles the scribbling of a small child, but to be honest the graffiti in the city has become too curated and boring too with it's creators interested more in views on social media than those walking by on the streets or alleys. What has peaked my interest out here is the love notes or carvings into trees. The kind you would see in the movies of the mid to late 20th century with someone in a leather or jean jacket using a switchblade to carve his girlfriends name into a tree. The Wissahickon park, the same park as Devil's Pool is loaded with tree carvings like this but it seems likes it's a practice that's mostly died off. The oldest I've found was dated 1968.
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