The Devil Is In The Details
I'm coming to the end of my Devil's Pool project. Not only because my I'm reaching the end of what I want to document, it's also because of the destruction of the area itself.
Today the humidity was almost unbearable at Devil's Pool but what made it truly unpleasant was the stench of trash that smacks you in the face from 200 feet away. I've seen garbage in the area get worse over the last few years but I was truly unprepared by what I seen and smelled. I could have taken over a hundred photos of just trash, easily.
It seems that nothing is being done to stop this or of people getting hurt and if you asked me 30, 20, 10 or even 5 years ago if filling in Devil's Pool would be the right thing to do, I would have said no. Today I think it's the only option outside of a 24 hour guard.
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